Title IX Resources

Bridgewater College is committed to providing all students with an educational environment free from discrimination. The sexual harassment of students, including sexual violence, interferes with students’ right to receive an education free from discrimination and, in the case of sexual violence, is a crime. It is the responsibility of all members of our campus community to create a safe and respectful environment.

Sexual assault is any form of unwanted sexual contact obtained without consent or through the use or threat of force, intimidation or coercion. This criminal act can be prosecuted under Virginia law as well as sanctioned under the College’s policies.

Sexual assault can happen to anyone regardless of age, race, gender or sexual orientation. Rape is never the survivor’s fault. Bridgewater College encourages survivors to come forward and report assaults so survivors can be offered the support services and counseling they need.

Jennifer Hawkinberry Portrait

Dr. Jennifer Hawkinberry
Title IX Coordinator and Executive Director for Clery Compliance

Jennifer has worked in higher education for 17 years and serves as the Title IX Coordinator. Jennifer received her Associate of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Psychology, and Master of Education from Fairmont State University and her Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration and Leadership from Liberty University. Outside of work, Jennifer enjoys spending time with her family and her Schnauzer, Watson.

Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Heather Grant Portrait

Heather Grant (540-828-8043, hgrant@bridgewater.edu)

They have primary responsibility for coordinating the College’s efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under Title IX, which prohibits sex discrimination in all the operations of the College.

The Title IX Coordinator oversees the College’s response to reports and complaints that involve possible sex discrimination, to monitor outcomes, identify and address any patterns, and assess effects on the campus climate, so the College can address issues that affect the wider school community.

A student should contact a Title IX Coordinator(s) in order to:

  • seek information or training about students’ rights and courses of action available to resolve reports or complaints that involve potential sex discrimination, including sexual misconduct;
  • file a complaint or make a report of sex discrimination, including sexual misconduct;
  • notify the College of an incident or policy or procedure that may raise potential Title IX concerns;
  • get information about available resources (including confidential resources) and support services relating to sex discrimination, including sexual misconduct; and
  • ask questions about the College’s policies and procedures related to sex discrimination, including sexual misconduct.

To assist the campus community in understanding what sexual violence is and how to prevent it, the following programs are offered throughout the academic year.

  • Educational sessions for students, faculty and staff
  • Red Flag Campaign
  • Take Back the Night
  • Residence hall programming
  • Convocations
  • “Every Choice” – An online, video based program, aimed at reducing campus sexual assault, dating/domestic violence and stalking by equipping students with realistic, actionable bystander intervention tools.
  • It’s On Us Campaign

To report an incident of sexual misconduct, use the Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form.

Reporting Options:

Confidential Reporting (communication is privileged and will not be shared with anyone else)

Counseling Services: 540-828-5402
Health Services: 540-828-5384
College Chaplain: 540-828-5383

Official Reporting (information will be shared ONLY with those individuals with a need to know)

Campus Police: 540-578-5609 (Available 24/7)

Title IX Coordinator:

Deputy Title IX Coordinators:

Residence Life Staff: 540-705-0668

Town of Bridgewater Police Department: 540-828-2611
Collins Center Crisis Hotline: 540-434-2272
Sentara RMH Medical Center: 540-689-1000

Seeking medical attention. It is important to seek immediate medical attention at a local hospital for several reasons: (1) to assess and treat any physical injuries; (2) to determine the risk of sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy and to take appropriate measures; and (3) to gather evidence that may be used in a criminal prosecution if the complainant chooses to press charges either immediately or at a later time. Physical evidence should be collected immediately, ideally within the first 24 hours, and usually not later than 72 hours after the incident. In order to not destroy any evidence needed if the complainant should decide to seek prosecution, it is important that she/he DOES NOT:

  • Bathe or shower
  • Brush or comb hair
  • Douche
  • Change clothes (If clothes are changed, take the clothes worn at the time of the assault to the hospital in a PAPER bag)
  • Eat or drink anything or brush or rinse teeth if there was oral contact
  • Touch items at the incident or crime scene
  • Put on or remove makeup

Take a change of clothes to the hospital because some items of clothing may be kept as evidence. At the emergency room the physician may collect hair samples, semen and other evidence. The police will be contacted to take possession of these samples until the complainant makes a decision about prosecution.

Counseling Services. Talk with a counselor who will maintain confidentiality, help explain your options and provide emotional support. Counseling Services can be reached Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. by calling 540-828-5402. When the Counseling Center is closed, a College counselor is on call and may be reached by contacting Campus Police and Safety at 540-578-5609. You only need to say that you would like to speak with the counselor on call.

Off-Campus Support. The Collins Center, the sexual assault crisis center in Harrisonburg, offers the following services: 24-hour sexual assault crisis hotline: 540-432-6420, hospital accompaniment, short-term crisis counseling, support groups, court advocacy and accompaniment, and referrals.

Official Reporting.  If you would like to make a formal complaint that would initiate a formal investigation process on campus, please contact one of the College’s Title IX Coordinators (contact information below). They can walk you through options both on and off campus.

The Memorandum of Understanding (.pdf) between the Collins Center and the College formalizes our commitment to work together to provide trauma-informed services to student and employee victims of sexual assault. We share a common goal of preventing sexual assault on campus and in the community and responding appropriately to those who have been victimized.

The following are mutual aid agreements between the Bridgewater College Police Department and other law enforcement agencies serving within the jurisdiction of Bridgewater College.

Questions? Contact Us!

Confidential On-Campus Reporting Options:

Counseling Center: 540-828-5402
Health Services: 540-828-5384
College Chaplain: 540-828-5383

Official On-Campus Reporting Options:

Title IX Coordinator:

Deputy Title IX Coordinators:

Campus Police: 540-578-5609 (Available 24/7)

Off-Campus Resources:

Emergency Assistance: 9-1-1
Town of Bridgewater Police Department: 540-828-2611
Collins Center Crisis Hotline: 540-434-2272
Rockingham County Sheriff’s Department: 540-564-3800
Sentara RMH Medical Center: 540-689-1000